Boat Tips

When it comes to Boat, we've been there, done that, now serving 143 tips in 15 categories ranging from Additional Boat Features to Watersport Boats.

What are the ways other people store and transport boats?

Boat Storage and Trailer Options

There was once a pair of college professors in Maine who owned a sailboat and house in Nova Scotia. During the summer, they would tie their boat off at a mooring in their resident harbor. During the winter, they would sail their boat up the coast to a boat marina and have the vessel put up into dry storage for the winter. They did this for many years and the boat always looked new.

That boat owned by the professors looked new for one reason. Although it was kept in the far north, exposed to the elements all summer, it was washed, waxed and finally wrapped up, being placed in heated dry storage for the harsh winter. This is usually the way to go if you want to extend the longevity of your boat. There are other ways to keep your boat, as well, though.

Some people pay boat marinas to use their trailers to get their boats at the owner's personal residence. They wrap the boat in shrink wrap for the winter, so they are protected from the elements. Other people usually rent their own boat slips at the marina and when the winter arrives, the marina uses their boat lift to pick the boat clear out of the water, storing it for the season.

The majority of people who own boats, however, simply transport their boat on a trailer, use it for the day and pull it home at night.

What make a good luxury power boat?

Luxury Power Boat Features

You're considering buying a luxury yacht, but you are wondering what makes this boat a “luxury”

A luxury boat is built with quality in mind. The construction is done to meet the highest consumer standards. All equipment aboard is usually the best on the market and is manufactured to last. This type of boat is intentionally produced to provide the user a sense of sheer pleasure and exclusivity. Whether the user is enjoying a drink at the bar on the stern, sunbathing on the upper deck, watching satellite TV on the plasma screen in the master stateroom or cruising to a new destination on the upper fly-bridge, the boat is designed to make the experience an exceptional one.

How do I get a luxury boat?

Is Renting Luxury Better Than Owning?

Buying a luxury boat is a considerable investment. In not only the initial purchase price, but also in crew, fuel, dockage, and maintenance. There is also the headache of dealing with this expensive boat if a major storm hits. Sometimes it's actually better to rent a luxury boat. There are many companies that offer luxury boat rentals that retail for well over $2 million. If you are only interested in using the boat a couple of times a year, luxury boat rental may be a better option. If you were to wisely invest the multimillion dollar purchase price you could get the rental for free, plus some

What is Boat of the Year?

Boat of the Year

The designation of “Boat of the Year” is offered on many levels. In the end it's up to the consumer to decide if this “boat of the year is indeed the boat that they really want. One aspect however is standard for all “Boat of the Year” candidates. What actually makes them worthy of the recognition? In order to actually get named boat of the year you need to score highest in a series of qualifiers:

  1. Quality- A boat that is cheaply made will not even be considered
  2. Value- You are getting a good buy for your money
  3. Company stability- If something happens to the boat, who will fix it?
  4. Actual Use—Judges board the boats and see if they are suitable for their designed task
  5. Price—Is it actually worth the asking price?

These qualifiers are applied to many different categories of boat. It is rare and almost impossible to name only one boat as the boat of the year. Some of these categories are luxury yacht, luxury speedboat, Blue water cruiser, Runabout; Best value, best quality, and so on. The best “Boat of the Year” to buy would be one that gains the designation from multiple groups.

What safety requirement are required while operating a boat?

Safe Voyaging

So you are spending a day on the water with your new boat. Are you confident that you and your passengers will be safe? If something happens do you know what to do. Here are a few boating safety tips that will ensure a fun voyage.

  1. Attend a boat safety course. This course will teach you what to have aboard, how to pilot the boat and how to handle emergencies

  1. Make sure you have all boat safety equipment in good order and in good supply. This safety equipment includes at least one life jacket for each person, fire suppression devices, audible and visual warning devices, and an anchor.

  1. If you have enclosed living spaces aboard, proper warning devices such as fire and carbon monoxide should be installed and working

  1. If you have done everything you can think of to make your boat safe you may want to allow the Coast Guard to perform a safety check. If you pass, you will receive a boat safety certification sticker from the performing officer.

In order to make sure that the boat stays safe, the number one boating safety tip would be to develop and print out a boat safety checklist, and keeping a few copies aboard.

A safe trip is a good trip and a captain's biggest responsibility is his fellow boaters safety.

What laws apply to Boats?

Universal Laws To Boating

There are laws that govern boats just as there are laws that govern cars. Some laws actually apply to both. Once on the water, you are also subject to various boat laws. These are fairly simple. Observe no-wake areas, no drinking and operating, enough life jackets, etc. Many jurisdictions provide you a copy of the specific laws that apply upon registering your boat. Most importantly, when in doubt about a law, ask a police officer, or other legal representative. It's always better safe than sorry.

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Lynda Moultry